Monday, July 18, 2011

Recently and playdates

We have had a couple of playdates since we have been in Tennessee. The first one was with a baby girl whose parents went to my parent's church before moving here for residency. This is Kirksey and Annie having their fun...along side one another.

We also took a short trip to have a playdate with Kenzie. We were able to use one of their sweet neighbor's pool. It was a first for both the girls. I would have to say that they liked it. We will definitely have to do this again.

Playing in the kitchen before going swimming.

Kenzie had to test out the float for Kirksey after I blew it up!

They had fun.

We also just went to the first Heard renunion that I have gone to this past weekend. I made sure to pack my camera, but forgot about it in the car once we got there. So, unfortunately I do not have any pictures. We had a good time though. It is nice to be close enough to be able to do things like the renunion.

Then, today I blew up this little pool for Kirksey to play in outside in our backyard. I think we will have to do this a lot on these hot days.

Kirksey has also been making this face lately. I guess she is trying to be like Elvis since we are now in Memphis!

She is also wanting to pull up on everything and stand, so we got her this walk n ride. She still has some practicing to do before she really gets the hang of it though.

While unpacking we came across my favorite (and very first) stuffed animal I had growing up. I think Kirksey will like the little dog.

She also likes to help feed herself these days. We end up having some messy mornings with oatmeal. I know it will only get messier from here on out.

Just a little update from us!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there!!
    Nicole Wallace told me a while back that she & Nick had some friends moving to Memphis for a Fellowship. My husband went to Med School with Nick and we're here in Memphis while he is doing his ENT Residency. (3 yrs down 2 to go...well plus a pesky fellowship.. ) We have a baby boy who's 14 months old, live in East Memphis & desperately miss Charleston! Shoot me an email if you'd like to grab coffee or do something with the kiddies sometime. I'd love to meet you.
